English for 1st-graders

English for the first-graders is an important part of school education. For the easiest start to foreign language studies, it is critical to get into it as early as possible. The interactive platform SMARTon offers several tools to help first-year students immerse themselves in the new school subject.

The benefits of online English courses

The tasks for the first-year students were designed on a "simple-to-complex" basis, starting with letters and proceeding to easy words. Foreign language studies are very beneficial for young children because they will:

  • improve their memory;

  • develop attentiveness and imagination;

  • train their brain on quick problem-solving;

  • faster process the information.

English language studies help to better school grades and explore the outside world via learning new words. Interactive animated tasks on the SMARTon portal will help to engage your kid in the learning process to turn it into an entertaining hobby.

Specifics of the English for 1st-graders course

The SMARTon courses for first-year students are designed to help children in a gradual uptake of content. For starters, they will learn how to write upper and lower case letters and how to spell them correctly. Then, they will be introduced to simple words starting with these letters. The platform features a digital assistant that will voice the letters, so children learn not only how the letter looks, but also what it sounds like.

This entertaining program includes interactive games. After each separate task block, a child will be encouraged to answer a few questions and complete a couple of fun tasks to solidify the newly obtained knowledge before moving on to the next lesson.

Every English language task for first-graders is designed to help a child to not only better learn the foreign language, but also to further discover the world. All stages of the studies are accompanied by a unique character that makes the process of learning more fun. By completing simple tasks, your kid develops logical thinking and improves memory.

English language courses at SMARTon

One of the courses at the SMARTon interactive platform is English language for first-year students. It offers a set of engaging online tasks for learning with no adult supervision. All the parent will have to do is choose the course and the child’s age. From that point on, the child will not need any help to complete the game and proceed with language learning.

The platform was specifically created to be as clear, consistent, and easy as possible. Parents can leave their kids to it for some time while they are doing their own things. The self-help interactive English tutoring platform offers engaging tasks for first-graders particularly adapted to their age.

These lessons are not about mechanically memorizing foreign words. They feature engaging tasks stimulating children to think, compare, and create. Here are some of the task types:

  • connecting pairs of objects;

  • find every object that begins with the letter learned;

  • lead the object between two points;

  • do a puzzle or combine cut-out shapes;

  • arrange the items in a particular order.

Just offer your children to try the first lesson. They will love it and will be happy to process the studies.

SMARTon courses not only provide basic knowledge that will be useful in school, but also help to develop thinking. Thanks to these lessons, it is easier for schoolchildren to adapt, make decisions, and undergo socialization.

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